Measuring the success of your firm’s inbound marketing strategy

law firm inbound marketing

What gets measured gets done, but how do you measure the impact of your firm’s inbound marketing efforts? According to HubSpot’s State of Inbound 2017 report 46% of businesses said that inbound marketing (that’s content marketing, email marketing and even social media promotion) generated more return per $ invested than other marketing activities. This isn’t that surprising when you consider how expensive traditional business development activities…

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How to use email marketing to build your firm


The sight of an overflowing inbox fills me with a dread, so why on earth would I recommend that your firm should engage in email marketing? Well, the simple fact is that email marketing does work…. when it’s done well. There are four things that make a good email marketing campaign. Speak to your audience with purpose The best emails are those that know…

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How to find specialist writers for specialist firms


It’s not that you don’t want to hire a content marketer. It’s that you’re a specialist, and your content needs to reflect that. Unfortunately, most technical specialists aren’t great writers, and most great writers aren’t technical specialists. So what’s a professional services firm to do?  If you’ve experienced this frustration, you’re not alone. Too often, law firms end up having to edit their outsourced…

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